Garageband Podcasts

I totally forgot to mention the other week that I’ve been checking out the new Garageband podcast feature! Right now they’re offering free bandwidth to members for podcasting, which is pretty cool. I uploaded the half hour Hungry Lucy Interview Feature as a test, so now you can check that out at any time of day you like, rather than waiting for it to come on Chillcuts. Now I’m editing down a Lovespirals/LSD feature to upload next. Stay tuned for more info on that. Here’s a link to my :[chillcuts]: Garageband podcast.

Jewel box or Digipac

We were wondering what kind of CD packaging people prefer these days; jewel box or digipac? It seems to me that we used to think digipacs were somehow inferior when they came into the radio station at KUCI, but now I see that they actually cost a bit more to produce. There’s something a bit weird about them; the way they feel and how they sit in the CD rack amongst the other CDs. But then again, it seems like a lot of people just take the disc out of the case and put it into a vinyl folder style case. Of course, these days, I imagine many folks are ripping them into their computers and portable listening devices, and just shelving the CD.

Ryan was saying that he’s never released a digipac, so he might like to do that for the next release. And when he found out it uses much less plastic, he was even more interested. We just saw someone talking about how plastic is ruining the ocean’s ecosystem because so much of it finds it’s way into the water, and it never breaks down, so it stays there forever. Animals eat the plastic thinking it’s food, and then they starve. In some places, there is more plastic than actual food in the waters. Its really sad.

So maybe we’ll be more hippy and do a digipac.

You can read more about plastic nurdle environmental impact on